School plays a vital role in the shaping of a child’s personality but much of the chiseling is done at home. The school cannot fulfil its objectives unless parents co-operate with us. This Chronicle will establish a valuable liaison between the teachers and parents with regard to the quality and quantity of work being attempted by the students in school and at home. We insist that parents look into their ward’s school dairy everyday and ensure that the assigned home task is being carried out by the student regularly. The child should be encouraged to cultivate neatness in their work. Parents should read with their children, help their children to make judicious use of gadgets, play with them to encourage them to be involved in outdoor sports & be a good listener to their children. Parents should take note of and countersign the remarks made in the diary from time to time by the school authorities.
Parents are advised that any comment made in the diary by them should be confined to the student’s work and conduct. No purpose will be served by critical reference entered in the diary in respect of teaching method; such remarks will only bring the school and the home at variance with each other. However, if a parent has any suggestions to make, the Principal shall be happy to receive them through written communication separately or personally.Criticism of teachers or of the school in the presence of the student be scrupulously avoided because it causes the student to lose respect for his/her teachers. Should a parent have any legitimate complaint, he is advised to see the Principal.
If any parent feels that a student is not making the desired progress, an appointment with the Principal should be sought. Private tution are strongly discouraged. No teacher of our school is allowed to tutor any student studying in the school